Cedarville University hired us back in January to produce a series of 15 videos covering every department they offer. This was quite the undertaking. We interviewed nearly 120 students and professors and attended several classes and events for each different department. Here is an example of what each of those videos ended up looking like. Over the past few years Cinevita Films has produced hundreds of educational related video.
Cedarville Nursing Department from Cinevita Films on Vimeo.
We have always prided ourselves on delivery top quality work within the time constraints that any project might have. This particular project was quite intensive considering we had to interview 120 students and professors within roughly a week’s time. The amount of setup and tear down of equipment was daunting, but in the end we were able to have diverse looking footage in unique and rich environments, all while delivering good content through the interviews. Here are some behind the scenes shots from some of our setups.